Contact CHASE team

Professor Kate Lacey
CHASE DTP Director

As Director, Kate oversees the strategic and operational aspects of the Consortium. She chairs the Management Board and reports to the Strategy Board. She also represents CHASE at meetings with external partners and the AHRC. Kate is always interested to hear feedback on and suggestions for the Consortium as a whole. / 01273 (87)2512 /

Professor John Drever
CHASE DTP Deputy Director

John is the CHASE Deputy Director and the chair of the CHASE Training and Development Group (TDG). As chair, John oversees the CHASE training provision, receives CDF and placement proposals. / 020 7919 7652 /

Rob Witts

Rob manages the DTP (Doctoral Training Programme) that all CHASE students undertake whilst studying for their PhD. Rob co-ordinates the CHASE DTP to ensure it complements the DTPs available to CHASE PhD students at their host Research Institute. Contact Rob for:

  • Information on the CHASE DTP strategy

  • Suggested additions to the existing CHASE DTP

  • Access to reports highlighting the outcomes of the implementation of the CHASE DTP / 01273 873251 / @robwitts

Currently vacant
CHASE Training & Partnerships Manager

Training & Partnerships Manager is responsible for developing and maintaining partnerships with non-Higher Education organisations. They arrange for these organisations to provide training to CHASE students as part of the CHASE DTP (Doctoral Training Programme) and can arrange placements for CHASE students with these organisations.

Contact for:

  • Information on how to become a partner of CHASE

  • Discussions on the various ways a partner organisation can engage with CHASE students

  • Details on how to set up a placement for a CHASE student

Clare Hunt
CHASE DTP Coordinator

Clare is the first point of contact for all general enquiries to the CHASE consortium and co-ordinates the communications and administrative systems that ensure CHASE runs smoothly. Contact Clare for:

  • All general enquiries about the CHASE DTP (Doctoral Training Partnership)

  • Enquiries about and possible updates to, the CHASE website

  • Updating your records (for example contact details with CHASE) / 01273 873518 / @CHASE_DTP

Leo Wood
CHASE DTP Administrator

Leo supports the CHASE Doctoral Training Partnership, helping to organise and publicise training events and placement. / 01273 876859

Panggah Ardiyansyah

  • Co-ordinating partnerships between your institution and external organisations (including businesses, third sector industries and more).

  • Supporting students and researchers at all levels to apply their research and research skills with external organisations.

  • Members of any committees/working groups that oversaw the institution’s submission to the Knowledge Exchange Framework exercise.

Rumi Dahar
CHASE Networks Officer

Rumi coordinates between the CHASE Researcher Networks, the CHASE Student Committee and the CHASE team. He provides practical support to the networks in their day-to-day functioning, funding applications, personnel changeover, and anything else related to running a CHASE network.
Contact Rumi for:

  • Information about CHASE networks generally

  • Questions about running your own network or starting a new one

  • Developing opportunities for collaborations between CHASE networks